Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Zambia Trip, Part 4, Hot Springs

The distance from the river camp to Hot Springs is not that far, but it took us a good few hours to get out of the bush.

Our last stop for this trip was to be Hot Springs, a village that some of the team had vistited before. There were clusters of huts, long skinny palms and the hot spring. Beautiful, but almost surreal.

Adventure4Christ's mobile unit for showing the Jesus film with attached screen and built-in projector and speakers.

Here I am with a couple of kids who followed us around everywhere. So cute! I took close-ups of them individually and showed it to them, which they thought was hilarious.
The water comes out of the ground almost boiling, runs in a little stream and forms a few small ponds which get progressively cooler.

Bath time!!! It was fun watching the kids enjoying the nice, warm water. We camped right next to the pond......

.....but had to share it with other creatures.

Another breath-taking sunset! It was like God putting on a show for us every morning and every evening. The same sun, but a different painting every time.

Many people believe that everywhere in Africa it's always hot, but that is not true. In most parts of Southern Africa the winter nights are very cold. During our trip the temperature went down to 6 degrees C., and when you are camping that is cold!

I took this photo early in the morning. You can see the steam rising.

Old mokoros at the Itezhi-Tezhi dam

We spent the last night in Zambia at this beautiful spot at the Zambezi gorge at Overland Mission in Livingstone.

The Zambezi Gorge at Rapid 14. It was a bit of a misty morning, so the photo didn't come out very clear, but take my word for it - it is absolutely magnificent! This is also one of the spots where they do white water rafting.

From Livingstone we still had 2 days of traveling through Botswana. The drive is not very interesting, but we were rewarded with sights of elephants, giraffes, sable antilope and ground hornbill.
It's always hard to leave the bush and get back into civilization, but there is the anticipation and planning for the next trip.


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