Friday, August 10, 2012

Ruacana, May 2012

During my trip to Namibia in May I spent a wonderful 5 days in Ruacana, a small village with a rough beauty about it. The video clip is from a visit to a church of the Tjimba tribe- a happy and lively bunch.

We gave them sponsored books for their Sunday school ....

.... and they gave us a chicken.

Here I am at the Ruacana Falls, not much water at this time of the year. The Kunene River is dammed off on the Angolan side.
Sign at Hippo Pools at the Kunene River. Care for a swim?
We talked for a little while with these Himba women. Here is a little info about the Himba: The Himba are a tribe of nomadic pastoralists who inhabit the Kaokoland area of Namibia. The Himba are actually descendants of a group of Herero herders who fled into the remote north-west after been displaced by the Nama. The Himba have clung to their traditions and the beautiful Himba women are noted for their intricate hairstyles which and traditional jewellery.

As Himba men and woman wear few clothes apart from a loin cloth or goat skinned mini-skirt, they rub their bodies with red ochre and fat to protect themselves from the sun and also gives their appearance a rich red colour.
A small Himba village



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